What Causes Decreased GFR And Mildly Raised Creatinine Level?
Findings may indicate chronic renal disease.
Detailed Answer:
Findings suggests decreased GFR and mildly raised creatinine level.
Normal value of GFR is 90-120 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Normal value of creatinine is 45-90 μmol/l in females.
Findings may indicate chronic renal disease.
Besides clinical evaluation,you may need further investigations.
Investigations include routine hemogram,random blood sugar,urine RE/ME,complete renal function test(include serum urea),serum sodium,potassium,chloride,bicarbonate,phosphate,24 hour protein clearance,blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
Ultrasound of abdomen should also be done.
Further investigations can be done if needed.
You may need diet restrictions and follow up.
Conditions like hypertension,diabetes mellitus,altered lipid profile need evaluation and treatment.
I advise to do exercise regularly and avoid alcohol,smoking if patient take these things.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care