What Causes Diarrhea After Having Vitamin Pack?
fluids, probiotics, rest bowel/stomach
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Vomiting and diarrhea is most commonly due to viral or bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract.This is called gastroenteritis.
Other common causes would be inflammatory bowel diseases, food intolerance.
If the vitamin pack was contaminated then it would be a possible source of infection.
Infection is also possible from any other foods and drinks you would have consumed yesterday or if you came into contact with anyone who has gastroenteritis.
Infection is spread hand to mouth. (hands touch any infected surfaces/food- transfer to food)
Treatment involves: (1) preventing dehydration by using oral rehydration salts/solutions from your local pharmacy or gatorade (contains fluids and electrolytes)
use only a small amount at a time.If you use a large amount, vomiting will occur
In the intial 1st hour, use 1 tsp to 1 tbs every 5 minutes. If this is tolerated increase the amount slightly
(2)avoid solid foods for now. When you restart eating use dry foods
(3)probiotics shorten the course of infection. This can be in the form of yogurts with probiotics (some do not have any) or using probiotics plain on their own.
(4)there are medications that may help eg peptobismol or other anti emetics (medication for vomiting)
I hope this helps,feel free to ask any other questions
you're welcome
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