What Causes Difficulty In Losing Weight?
Insufficient evidence to support diagnosis of candidiasis
Detailed Answer:
HI! Welcome to health care magic!
Based on the history you have shared, it is difficult to comment about having candidiasis as the evidences are insufficient and very generalised to limmit it to be related to candida only.
In the abscene of any evidence of oral or genital thrush, or abscence of symptoms like oesophageal regurge or burning, loose motions or fever or any other organ involvement, it can't be diagnosed as candidiasis. For reassurance you can have have stool and blood cultures alongwith detailed orifice examination by your GP. If any of these test positive or examination raises the suspicion an endoscopy can be done after discussing with a gastroentrologist. Once it is proven it can treated with Oral or intravenous antifungal like clotrimazole or fluconazole.
Your weight loss ventures, if not being able to attain acquired results may be due to other reasons. Get your diet plan after discussing with a nutritionist and design it accordingly to fulfil all minerals and essential requirements without compromising your calorie requirement and get tested for thyroid profile as well.
Hope this has answered your query, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Regards.