What Causes Difficulty Walking After Having Bactrim DS?
Sodium levels in the blood
Detailed Answer:
Bactrim is relatively safe drug for the infection. I am not sure if the bactrim could have caused this new symptoms for your dad. However my suggestion is to look for alternates by speaking to the same doctor. The doctor should be able to instill confidence in the family.
I suggest to check for sodium levels which might contribute to weakness in a cancer treatment patient. You should also accept the fact that post cancer therapy or on cancer therapy can cause weakness and dizziness a lot and this is the most contributing factor for the new symptoms.
You can seek another opinion from a different local doctor if you lose trust with the one now. Trust is very important for the family and patient during treatment.
May stop bactrim and wait
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As I said Bactrim is relatively safe drug but I am not sure if the detoxification process would interact with Bactrim. There are no studies on this. Were the liver and kidney function assessed after detoxification? Did you inform the Oncologist about Detoxification?
There are not hard evidences about the safety of detoxification. At this time I am unable to comment largely on this issue.
Speaking to the doctor you may stop Bactrim for time being and gradually the doses wear off from the body and he should be back to normal if it is because of bactrim.
bactrim ceases to act negatively
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for following.
Once stopped the drug stops it negative effects. It is not good to give one more drug to wean of the other when you are not sure whether the prior was causing it. In general there is no antidote for bactrim.
Wish you a good health.