Brief Answer:
Following causes to disequilibrium....
Detailed Answer:
Hi my dear,
Thank you for sharing your husband's concern with XXXXXXX
I have read the medical history of your husband and feel sorry for the situation he is in.
At the same time, I am happy to know that his UTI was treated well and he is feeling much better now.
With regards to his disequilibrium, based on the data you provided, he has been suffering of high fever during which he was feeling unsteady. I'd suggest to
consult a neurologist and to do head CT-scan and EEG to rule out brain damages.
Another factor could be Menier's syndrome (problems with inner ear) and/or
dehydration when passing through severe UTI and high fever.
I suggest to get him further evaluated by an
ENT specialist and neurologist and give him plenty of water and o.r.s to replace the lost fluids/electrolytes during UTI fever.
At the end, as he is running
frequent UTI, a further evaluation by an urologist is needed together with abdominal ultrasound. If your husband is uncircumcised, I'd advise to discuss with his urologist if
circumcision is a permanent solution to his UTI.
Hope it was of help!
Note: For more detailed guidance, please consult an Internal Medicine Specialist, with your latest reports.
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