What Causes Dizziness When I Turn My Head?
Detailed Answer:
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Most probably its benign positional vertigo or benign peroxysmal positional vertigo it occurs due to problems in inner ear, which consist of tubes filled with fluid which gives body sens of position and equilibrium. Sometimes a broken bon like calcium floating in this fluid can give this type of sensation . Family history, prior head injury and inner ear infection, labrynthitis is important can increase the possibility of developing it.
Symtoms include feeling of spining or moving , nausea vomiting balance problems etc it can occur even due to rolling over in bed or tilting your head up. To diagnose it a physical test called hall- pike manover can be done by doctor if this doesnt show clear results then other tests can be done like CT head, MRI brain , MRA, EEG , ENG, hearing tests, caloric stimulantion etc.
It will exclude other sinister causes. Treatment include epleys manouver which are taught to patients medication include antihistamines, anticholinergica and sedative and hypnotics . You can avoid this by avoiding positions that mostly results in vertigo. This is usually bening condition but can affect your quality of life as it can occur suddenly at any time. You should me more concerned when treatment for vertigo doesnt help and there weakness or slurred speech
Hope it helps