What Causes Dizziness,shaking And Weakness In The Morning?
Please read the detailed response
Detailed Answer:
Greetings from health care magic!!! I am Dr Thakker and shall be answering your question.
I can understand your concerns about your health.
After reading your symptoms, I would put forth the following diffential diagnosis:
1) situational syncope
2) arrhythmia
3) transient ischemic attack
4) panic attack.
5) Vertigo
To pin point exactly the cause, we need the following investigations:
ECG, orthostatic BP changes, holter monitoring, MRI Brain with angiography.
Can you please get these investigations done and inform me the reports? in the mean time we can recommend you betahistine. However the rules of the website do not permit me to prescribe a particular drug.
I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Thakker.
HOLTER monitoring, hallpike test
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your reply.
I would suggest you to have a holter monitoring done to detect missed beats, arrhythmia as a cause of syncope.
Hallpike test is used to diagnose vertigo. An ENT specialist can do that.
I would suggest you to take betahistine for symptomatic relief. It does not have many side erects and it fairly safe.
There is no treatment for situational syncope. A beta blocker maybe helpful to deal with the anxiety and panic attacks.
The rules of the website do not permit me to prescribe you a particular drug. Hope you don't mind that.
I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Thakker.