What Causes Ear Congestion, Neck Stiffness And Swollen Lymph Node In Neck?
Allergy possible. Other differentials should be sorted out
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Ear congestion with stiffness of the neck lymph nodal swelling and itching and discomfort with no fever or discharge from ear or sore throat is likely allergies. blocked ear may present with allergies .
How ever the duration of symptoms of more than 6 weeks should be considered for other possibilities like chronic sinusitis, external ear blockage like wax or cerumen impaction and also middle ear infections or eustachian tube defects. All this need a detailed thorough otorhinolaryngolocial exam and some workup like hearing tests, radiographs of sinuses and tympanometry etc . Management will be tailored accordingly. Till then supportive care with decongestants , nasal sprays pain killers and home remedies should be considered.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.