Question: I have been a healthy person all my life, with the exception of SVT which is maintainable. I had a daughter at 41 (2 years ago) and haven't slept a full 8 hours since, but I know the body adjusts! My health issues started this year in XXXXXXX when I had a D&E due to abnormalities, for which the entire process was very traumatic and stressful. A week after that I had a
high fever and the ER diagnosed me with walking pneumonia. After antibiotics, the pneumonia 'went away' but it truly took longer to really recover. I was sick with something every week, then every two weeks, for a few months after that. I had a CT scan to confirm pneumonia about 10 days after the ER diagnosis because the chest XRay showed a shadow in the right lobe. The CT confirmed no shadow, but I did have a 2cm area in my left lung that the
radiologist said was consistent with pneumonia and the pulmonologist said 'it may not have been from pneumonia, just an old are of collapsed lung from something else. I really wanted a follow up CT to see if that area was still there or gone, or had changed, but have been discouraged because of the radiation. This also caused stress. In September I elected to get the Mirena IUD. A month into having that, I started experiencing numbness first in my right foot, then my right hand, then my right face. I had the IUD removed, having seen some things where synthetic hormones and/or the silicone can cause reactions and one week to the day of removal the numbness on the right side went away. I continued to have dizziness and ear ringing, but it comes and goes and has gotten better but not disappeared. At removal my doctor suggested I see a
neurologist in the chance that the right side numbness wasn't from the IUD. I had a head/neck CT, and MRI of the head and neck and lots of blood work looking for autoimmune diseases, C-reactive proteins, etc. The only thing found was a
herniated disc between C6 and C7, which would only have explained the
hand numbness, but not fully in the area where I was experiencing it. I chalked it up to the IUD since the right side got better. The last problem I've had is that I started getting intermittent pain/discomfort in my left armpit. My FP felt around the breast and under the arm and found nothing. Since then, I developed numbness on the left side of the palm under the hand and the pinky finger. That's been there since Dec 7. I've looked online and see various things that are worrisome, one being that
peripheral numbness could mean
lung cancer. I'm wondering if I shouldn't get the follow up CT and not worry about the radiation to be sure. Since XXXXXXX I havne't been 100% well for very long it seems. I have fatigue that comes and goes, dizziness that when that all comes on seems to also affect my right eyesight, making it feel tired and a little fuzzier than normal. I just wonder if all these are separate or tie in together, and whether or not it sounds benign or like something major could be hiding. With 41 years of health, I feel like my body is sending me signs of trouble.