What Causes Fever, Fatigue And Sore Throat?
Viral flu
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
According to your history your son might be having viral flu due to climatic changes.
As it is viral no need of antibiotics.
Viral infections are selflimiting. It takes its own time to resolve.It usually associated with fatigue,bodyache and in few indivisuals joint pain.
He can just take Tab Levocitrezine for cold and dry cough and Tab Paracetamol for fever , fatigue and body ache.
If he has cough with sputum,you may need to take antibiotics due to secondary bacterial infections, then you can take tab Azithromycin once daily for 3 days.
As it is prescription based drug, you need to meet local doctor for the same.
Ask your son to follow below instruction
Take rest until you recover
Drink plenty of water(preferably filtered /boiled)
Have soft,easily digestible food.
Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet
Avoid out side, oily ,non veg food.
If you have any doubt, you are welcome.
Take care
Dr Priyanka G Raj
He has infectious mononucleosis
symptomatic treatment
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
In most cases of infectious mononucleosis , no specific treatment is necessary. The illness is usually self-limited and passes much the way other common viral illnesses resolve.
Treatment is directed toward the relief of symptoms and signs. Available antiviral drugs have no significant effect on the overall outcome of mono and may actually prolong the course of the illness.
So follow the above medication which i have already prescribed.
Take care
Dr Priyanka G Raj