What Causes Gurgling Discomfort In Stomach Causing Disturbed Sleep?
Gurgling discomfort with disturbed Sleep/Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Gurgling discomfort with disturbed Sleep /Under Evaluation
My Impression-Gurgling and Bloating with ?Colitis?IBS
Hi,Dear Thanks for your query to HCM.
Reviewed your health concerns of disturbed sleep with insomnia from gurgling noise.
-Remedy care suggested-
With the limited information, and with My expertise and experience-I would suggest you to follow -
Take liquids only after 5 pm.Don't eat solid meals.
Avoid Chillies and spicy diet in the evening after 5 pm.
Avoid outside / hotel / or street food
Take plenty of fluids.
Take black tea whenever you feel bloated.
Take Spinach Soup 2 times per day
Avoid beans / potato/ leafy vegies for 2-3 weeks.
Take Digestant- Tablets-Like Enzar with Main Meals.
Tab Domperidone 1 hs would regulate your motility and gases.
Tab Gassex with Charcoal Tabs- 4 tabs at 6 pm.x 1 week
Hope this would reduce your gurgling in 1 weeks time.
Check up with your doctor and get Stool Tests done
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
I would give further suggestions after receiving more information if any.
Keep Me updated on above information.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist