What Causes Hard And Sore Nipples?
Could be due to infection
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi Wani. I will be answering your concerns today.
Sore nipples can occur due to natural reasons like fondling during love making.
Are you taking any hormone replacement therapy? This can cause sore nipples.
Bacterial/fungal infection of the nipples, ill fitting bras can also cause sore nipples.
It can also be due to body's response to hormones in your body.
Wear well supported bra. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol if taking excessive amount. Take non steroidal anti inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen 400mg twice a day after food. If the pain doesn't subside in a day you must see your doctor. She can examine the breast and nipples and prescribe treatment accordingly.
I hope this helps.
if you have further queries, I will be happy to answer.