What Causes Hard Tender Lump In Arm?
Seems a bacterial skin infection; Oral antibiotics & Oral antiinflammatory
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Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I have gone through your query and I have understood it.
Going by your description this seems like a bacterial skin and soft tissue infection i.e most likely a furuncle with surrounding cellulitis.
Redness, tenderness and swelling/ lump are very suggestive of this.
If I were the treating doctor I would start you empirically on a course of an Oral antibiotic for a week.
My choice of an Oral antibacterial would be either Flucloxacillin Or Cephalexin for a week.
Oral antibiotics are prescription drugs and therefore I suggest that you talk to your doctor for the needful.
An OTC oral antiinflammatory e.g ibuprofen, once Or twice daily will provide you symptomatic relief from pain and swelling.
I suggest that you visit a doctor in your vicinity for a clinical confirmatory diagnosis and for the needful.
Kindly visit a doctor for a clinical examination
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Please don't panic. This does'nt seem like a cancer to me.
This seems most likely either a bacterial skin and soft tissue infection Or a localized inflammatory process e.g a panniculitis, which is inflammation of subcutaneous fat.
Pain/ tenderness, swelling and redness are very indicative of an infectious Or inflammatory pathology rather than a cancer.
Therefore, I would stick to my earlier advice i.e Oral antiinflammatory and Oral antibiotics for a week.
I suggest that you visit a doctor in your vicinity for a clinical examination and for the needful. That would be conclusive.
you are welcome
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Thank you for writing to us.
Does'nt seem a serious condition.
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Does'nt seem a serious problem to me. Please don't worry and I will stick to my earlier advice.
I also wish that you visit a doctor in person for a clinical confirmatory diagnosis. Let me know what your doctor says.
Take care.