Question: have a history of
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Innappropriate
Sinus Tachycardia with PAC's and PVC's.
In December 2013 I gave birth to a little girl. I was given an epidural for pain which hurt extremely bad when it was given (an experience unlike my first born), about five minutes later I gave birth to my daughter. I was given a flu shot in the hospital also. Shortly after having her, I began to experience uneasy wozzy like spells. The doctors weren't concerned and I was sent home two days later. The third day home, I was admitted back into the hospital for sinus tachycardia. I have been dealing with these issues for several years. I had an elevated d-dimer and CT scan of chest with contrast to rule out blood clot. I was admitted for two days and during my stay I had developed hives, neck pain, the worst headache of my life (which I contribute to becoming tense during the CT scan and had the pain immediately after they laid me down flat to do the test). I was sent home and told it was my hormones that causes such spikes in my
heart rate and I was told to continue my Inderal 10 mg twice a day. The headache continued non stop for two months. During those two months I began to experience
motion sickness, disequilibrium, nausea like spells. I saw an ENT and he administered a VNG test. The results showed horizontal nystagmus related to the
central nervous system. He was concerned that maybe something happened during my epidural and told me that this needed further evaluation because he does not see this often. Maybe a handful of times in over 20 years. I was sent for an MRI. It was in an open machine without contrast and came back normal. I have had back pain, neck pain, (its muscular) open MRI w/o contrast of spine were normal other than one
bulging disc in L4. I saw a balance specialist and he did a whole bunch of tests all of which were normal that day. I was given zoloft and told I was just anxious. I was referred back to my
neurologist and he suggested PT for the neck and back pain and also vestibular therapy none of which are helping. The person administering therapy for a month now believes there is something strange going on with my body and does not agree with the diagnosis of
fibromyalgia and anxiety. The therapist told me, "You clearly have some sort of problem that is deeper than what has been found, I don't believe you are anxious, depressed, I can see that you are just frustrated because you want to enjoy your little one." I guess I should also mention I am not a first time mom. This is my second, my oldest being 10. I've had lab work which showed low Vit D and Vit B12. I've been taking supplements of those for close to two months. I also have IBS and have had more diarrhea lately, first episode an hour after giving birth and it has not let up since. I have had a few instances where I broke out in hives since the hospital admission back in Decemeber. Both were a few weeks ago and a few days apart. It seems like I have periods of time where I experience the vertigo, motion sickness, disequilibrium symptoms and the back/neck pain isn't as severe. When the back/neck pain is more severe I suffer less from the vertigo, motion sickness, disequilibrium, nausea symptoms. For instance two weeks ago I suffered horribly from these spells and nausea for a week straight. I felt like I was intoxicated and was constantly nauseated. I would attend therapy and then come home and rest. Even when I try to fall asleep I experience symptoms of the bed moving. During this time my neck and back pain weren't as severe. Fast forward to this past Friday. The spells subsided and I began to have extreme inflammation in my neck and back muscles along with pain. Sometimes it feels as if I have sun burn and I lost range of motion due to such tense muscles, deep in the
cervical spine and on sides/back of neck. Yesterday, I had to take my oldest daughter to see a specialist, I got on an elevator and when I got off I suffered horribly for about 10 minutes with the spells I've been experiencing. I came home and the neck/back pain isn't as severe again, but the spells are back. My neurologist says that structurally everything looks good, but the anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers prescribed he said should be helping along with the PT and it is not. I saw an optometrist and my eye exam was fine, he said my
optic nerve looks healthy and he can get me to 20/20 vision with my glasses. Could my symptoms need further evaluation. I've also experienced some other quirky symptoms since this all began. I just don't understand how Dec 6 2013 I was fine and days later broken to the extent of where my family doctor has me off work because I don't know when the spells I am experiencing will hit.
Symptoms experience in the past four months:
brain fog, difficulty finding words, words coming out wrong, irritability, can't pay attention or concentrate on anything, tingling in extremities, muscle twitches/spasms as I am trying to sleep, nausea, vertigo, disequilibrium, motion sickness, back/neck pain, pain at epidural site, burning/hot feeling where the back and neck pain are, hip pain, diarrhea, hair loss (though may be due to postpartum?), I've had a
metallic taste in my mouth a few times, unintentional
weight loss (I started out March 2013 185 lbs and currently weigh 166 lbs.) I lost weight my entire pregnancy and continue to do so, very tired, headaches, cold feet/hands, racing heart, difficulty swallowing, changes in body odor, loss of libido.
I need someone to think outside of the box and help me figure this out so I can enjoy my little one and get back to work. I'm begin to feel like a burden to my family as they have been helping out so much when I am feeling ill and I am getting tired of going to the doctors and not having any answers.