What Causes Heart Palpitations After Taking Losartan Potassium?
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I would explain that the episode with drowning after taking losartan potassium could be related to low blood pressure, caused by this drug.
For this reason, I would recommend you to closely monitor your blood pressure. If it is too low, I would not recommend taking losartan.
Regarding the episode with palpitations, it could be caused by cardiac arrhythmia. It is quite normal to have an increased heart rate during emotional or physical stress. Sexual activity can also lead to a similar clinical scenario.
But a cardiac arrhythmia can not be excluded either. If the problem repeats, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a careful physical activity and some tests to investigate for possible causes of arrhythmia:
- a cardiac ultrasound and a resting ECG
- an ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG to monitor your heart rhythm trends for a prolonged time
- complete blood count for anemia
- thyroid hormone levels for thyroid dysfunction
- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance.
Hope to have been helpful!
Wishing good health,
Dr. Iliri