What Causes Increased Heart Rate With Headache And Fatigue?
Is there an apparent cause to the racing heart?
Detailed Answer:
I know this is going to sound cliche...but Good evening. My name is Dr. Dariush Saghafi and I would ask if this is a brand new symptom for you or have you had this sort of thing of the racing heart before? Even though your BP is not of any concern the heartrate certainly is....have you taken any type of illicit substance or even prescription medication that perhaps wasn't yours? Anything at all?
If the answer is NO and this very high heart rate is simply out of nowhere then, you may be manifesting an underlaying serious cardiac arrhythmia known as atrial fibrillation. You need to bring that heartrate down as soon as possible and that doesn't mean waiting until the morning to go to either your doctor or the hospital. You can't let your heart tach away all night long.
So, you should be placing a call to 911 in my opinion since if you simply go to the ER you may be stuck in the waiting area for a long time until it's your turn. If you call the ambulance then, you'll get the "royal treatment" so to speak.
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This case required 13 minutes physician specific time for review, research, and final draft documentation for envoy.