Question: when I depress my finger on my shin area of either leg, it leaves an indentation, similar to as if pressing on a stick of butter, and it remains there for a while. My socks do the same thing. My father died at 45 of
heart failure, though he was a binge drinker of alcohol most of his life. His father died at age 50 of the same thing, and also was a binge drinker, therefore I know
heart disease runs in the family. I haven't had a drink in over 15 years, but the last time I had my
cholesterol screened, it was in t he 250 range. I am 44 years old now and am concerned I am going to die in the near future as my father did. I almost quit
smoking entirely, thanks to the electronic cigarettes, so I really am trying to better my health, and I am very active around the house, ride my bike, and walk the dogs as often as I can. Do I have a chance to live past 50?