What Causes Infection Behind Eye?
It seems as convulsion, coma etc..
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern.
I am Dr. Arun Tank, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query.
In my opinion you should start with higher antibiotics.
Such a infection behind the eye is known as a optic nerve Infection. This nerve has direct communication with brain. So if infection is started on this nerve. It will reach to the brain easily.
If such a brain infection occurs it will appear as a convulsion, disorientation, meningitis and in severe cases coma.
I suggest you to do Gram's staining in the laboratory followed by culture and sensitivity from the wound. If you take the antibiotics according to report, you will be free from the infections soon.
Please maintain local hygiene, cleanliness, and regular dressing this will equally helps as of taking antibiotics.
I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you.
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist.