Question: Hi, I am 29 year old and taking Rabekind-plus (
Rabeprazole +
Levosulpiride) tablet from last 6 weeks for gastric problem, but still i am suffering from gastric (After eating small amount of food stomach feels full, Vomiting sensation, sometime I can hear sound and gas bubble sensation inside the stomach, Tiredness (unable to work), numbness in hand, Recently I have given B12 vitamin injection. No pain or burning sensation in the stomach). I have done biopsy and results are normal. Could you please suggest me how long do I need to take this tablet for gastric? Or do I need to do any other test before continuing the same tablet? Could you please let me know whether these are symptoms of auto immune gastritis or Pernicious Anemia?
History and blood test: I was taking Decdan (0.5 mg) tablet at December as I had hair loss in small area of my beard. Has taken PAN-D, and Nuroxind-LC tablet for one month for gastric and numbness in hand and leg problem on January and the same issue is reoccurred on mid of February. I had done
Ultra sound and CT scan of abdomen and all are normal. I am not diabetic. I don’t smoke or drink alcohol and not on any pain killer medication. I had done blood test many times the recent(April 10’th) test result are as below.
Complete blood count
Hemoglobin – 16 gm/dl
Total count –
Differential count
Neutrophils - 41%(42-74)
Lymphocytes – 42%(18-44)
Eosinophils – 15%(1-8)( this was varying as its 12 on January and 7 on February)
Monocytes – 02%(5-13)
Baspphils – 0%(0-2)
ESR – 08mm/Hr(0-15)
Platelet Count – 2 Lakhs/cmm(150000-450000)
CRP (Turbidometric method) – 3 mg/l(0-6)
Creatinine – 1.2 mgs%(0.6-1.6)
Random blood sugar – 101 mgs%(60-150)
Liver Function Test
Total Bilirubin – 0.4 mgs/dl(0.2-1.3)
SGOT – 31 U/L(5-40)
SGPT – 26 U/L(0-40)
Alkaline Phosphatase – 66 U/L(40-140)
HBsAg - Negative