What Causes Irregular Bowel Movements After Gallbladder Surgery?
Chlordiazepoxide with antiacidity medicine are advisable
Detailed Answer:
Hello Ma'am
Welcome to health care magic, I appreciate your concern.
Irregular bowel movement might be related to stent placed between liver and pancreas, slowing of intestine with age, irritable bowel syndrome or Acid peptic disease, food allergy or intolerance.
I would advise you to take Chlordiazepoxide and anti-acidity Medicine like pantoprazole or ranitidine group of drugs after discussing with your doctor.
you should take lots of fresh fruits and vegetables with dietary fiber supplement in your diet.
You should try to avoid stress and anxiety by relaxation exercises yoga and meditation under guidance of your doctor since you have cervical problem.
You should not take fatty fried spicy and junk food and carbonated beverages.
Looking at your description your digestive issues doesn't seem to be a serious issue which can corrected with above mentioned dietary modifications and medicines.
Please consult your pain management clinic for reduction in doses of percocettue 10/375 mg and slowly taper it down, it could be a cause for constipation and slowing of bowel movement.
You should look for other pain management drugs or technique about which your doctor knows.
Hope you will find my answer informative and useful please feel free to ask for follow up question, I will gladly answer you.
Best wishes