What Causes Irregular Periods Post Miscarriage?
en she is not getting regular dates..doctor recommended folic acid,calcimax and glycomet tablets..
From last two months she is getting regular periods..but last lmp was 27th..
She had light spotting..very light..on 6,7,8 Sep..again on 17,19,21..today 25th Sep she got menstrual period...
When we asked our gyno..she says its common...is it really common?
Not normal, needs evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
After a miscarriage, irregular periods may follow for a few months.
But right now, almost 7 months after that, it should not be happening.
It is not normal.
Please have a complete evaluation for the reason for such spotting.
She should have an internal evaluation by a Specialist OB - GYN, a Pap smear, pelvic ultrasound scan and hormonal tests ( FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free testosterone, Lipid profile ).
Did she have regular cycles before the miscarriage ?
At how many weeks of pregnancy did the miscarriage occur ?
Was it treated medically or surgically ?
What is her height and weight ?
Please write back with more details.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.
yes..she had 95% of regular cycles before miscarriage..
at 10th week we came to know about miscarriage..
initially medical abortion..because it did not clean up..d and c has been done on 15th March...
her height is 4 11 and weight is 67..recently we had done vth some tests..reports are attached..
Needs the rest of the tests and weight loss.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the updates.
She needs a Pap smear, pelvic ultrasound scan and remaining tests that I have listed.
She also needs to lose atleast 10 - 15 kg of weight.
Being overweight can lead to spotting and irregular periods and a condition called PCOD - polycystic ovarian disease.
Please ask her to start regular exercise atleast 30 minutes daily for 5 days a week and to curtail her diet to 1200 calories per day.
She will see a difference in a few months time in her weight.
You can contact me directly anytime, using the following link -
Take care.