Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Have you confirmed that the pregnancy is conclusively negative ?
With irregular cycles, often, you need a blood B HCG test or a pelvic
ultrasound to infer.
Also, you could be having PCOD -
polycystic ovarian disease.
More likely, during childbirth ( you have not specified vaginal or C section ) - the endometrium ( lining of the uterus ) can get damaged due to post partum excessive bleeding or infection or retained placental bits.
Also, if you lost a lot of blood during labour, post partum amenorrhoea might result.
Since you did not breastfeed at all, normal cycles should have resumed within 3 months.
Did you have regular menstrual bleeds earlier, no issues in the past ?
Also, here is a checklist of the workup that should be done -
1. Pelvic ultrasound scan, measurement of endometrial stripe and
endometrial biopsy.
2. Hormones - FSH, LH, TSH,
Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free
Lipid profile.
ANy of the following factors present - stress, anxiety, weight gain or drastic loss, late nights,
binge eating, travelling, change in climate or altitude, ingestion of hormonal medications or other medications that commonly affect cycles ( antidepressants, steroids ) etc ?
Please do write back with more details.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.