What Causes Itching Sensation In Vagina And Anus Area?
My daughter was suffering from middle ear infection 3 weeks back and was on antibiotics for 2 weeks to clear that up.
After that she was suggested to take
1. Montair LC (once a day)
2. Nosonex spray (twice a day)
for next one month. Last week she complained a lot of itching in her vaginal and anus area. The skin was very red and had some white discharge. We applied Surfaz cream for 3 days twice a day and when the redness suppressed new skin came up there. We applied borolene and sprinkled Absorb powder there for last 4 days.
The itching has gradually come down but not gone away fully. Today morning she complained of pain in the vaginal area while passing urine and again a lot of itching.
The redness wasn't there.
She again got cold from day before yesterday so we are giving following medication as of now:
1. Relent syrup twice a day
2. Budesal nebulization twice a day
3. Nasonex spray twice a day
What should be done immediately to put her to relief from pain and itching as she has got doctors appointment for tomorrow evening only.
UTI with recurrent RTI
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear
Welcome to the HCM,
Respiratory tract infection in this age group is quite common and frequent entity especially in this rainy season. Exposure from the infected individual should be avoided which is the usual cause of spread to other person.
For the RTI Antihistaminic decongestant medicine to be given along with some bronchodilator (like sinarest syrup and salbutamol syrup preparation) with proper recommended doses.
Antipyretic like paracetamol may be required if the baby is febrile or having body ache.
Continue nebulizatuion and steam inhalation.
She has to be dewormed by the albendazole suspension.
Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)
Recurrent UTI is very common among females because of short urethra.
Urine routine examination and culture to be done to know the exact bug causing the infection and according to the sensitivity report proper relevant antibiotic with full course to be given to eradicate the infection in toto.
Some mild steroidal anti fungal cream(Like Sulfaz SN cream) to be applied in the local area to get the relief from itching.
Alkalize liquid mixed with water (Like alkasol) to be given for the relief of burning sensation.Your doctor will know about this.
Plenty of liquid.
Keep the local area clean and dry.
Urine routine and culture exam to be repeated afterwards every month to know the relapse of the infection which is quite possible.
Ultrasound of the KUB region also to be carried out to know the status of kidney, ureter and bladder.
Improve the immunity of the child with nutritious protein rich diet.
Iron syrup and multivitamin syrup supplementation also to be taken.
Hope the query is answered.
Please feel free for the further clarification