What Causes Knot Between Shoulder Blades And Numbness Around Underarm?
Detailed Answer:
Hello & thank you for submitting your question.
The symptoms you describe are concerning and raise a few major things to consider. Since the symptoms have been present for a few days and seem to partially respond to anti-inflammatory medicine, you may be dealing with a musculo-skeletal issue or even a pinched nerve.
Also, numbness and tingling in a "wrapping" distribution is always concerning for shingles infection. Finally, anything cardiac or pulmonary related must be excluded, which will require a detailed physical examination and possible adjunct studies.
It would be very reasonable to see your physician for a physical examination and overall evaluation. If the symptoms are made worse with physical activity or if you experience any shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, sweating, chest pain or palpitations/fluttering/irregular heart beat, please report to an emergency department immediately for evaluation.
In summary:
- The symptoms you've described are concerning for being caused by musculoskeletal, infectious (=shingles), cardiac, or pulmonary reasons.
- It would be reasonable to see a physician for a physical examination and full evaluation of potential causes.
Dr Galamaga