What Causes Less Fetal Movements In Pregnancy?
I got a ultrasound scan and it shows
Baby is in extended breech position and there is a single loose loop around the baby neck ?
Can extended breech position be the reason behind me feeling less kicks and movements ?
Can single loose loop cause any problem at this stage of pregnancy ?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us. Followings are my comments:
1) Yes, you can feel soft kick or less movement in extended breech position. It is the most common breech presentation (60-70%). Less liquor volume may lead to decease baby movement freely.
The baby's bottom sits over the woman's cervix, their hips are flexed (or bent) and their legs are extended (or straight). This means the baby's feet are usually placed on either side of their head, near their ears.
Babies in this position are also considered more feasible for being turned by the caregiver into a head down position, called an external cephalic version (done at 36 weeks).
2) Single loop of cord around fetal neck is seen in few percentage pregnancy during 2nd/ 3rd trimester. It usually does not cause any problem or complication during delivery of the baby.
However, special care needs to be taken by healthcare attendant or staff to avoid asphyxia or respiratory distress of the baby during delivery. C-section is the preferred mode of delivery if it is your first pregnancy.
3) I suggest you to consult with your obstetrician for proper assessment with stethoscope or fetoscope. It helps to reveal fetal heart beat and well being.
Do one Non-Stress Test or Fetal Biophysical Profile. Drink more water for better circulation. Walk 1/2 an hour regularly and sleep in left lateral position.
DFMC- Daily Fetal Movement Count. It should be more than 10 in less than 2 hrs. You will feel better movement during sleeping, eating, certain activity etc.
Hope, it helps for your information. Kindly, close the discussion if you don't have any other query.
Wish your good health and successful motherhood.
Dr S Patra
For future query, you can directly approach me through
So there is no risk if loose single loop till the delivery ?
I was just worried because cord is around his neck ?
Secondly I understand that extended breech causes less movements but how less ?
I mean how many movements should I expect now with this position of my baby
I m 31 weeks today
Also the baby moves sometimes more than 10 times in 1 hour but sometimes he doesn't move for 2 hours at a stretch
Is it normal ?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up query.
1) Risk of single loose loop around neck is quite LOW if the mode of delivery is elective C-section. Actually, it is removed during the delivery of the baby. It is NOT always troublesome in most cases.
2) Baby doesn't move all the time in a day. As the pregnancy progresses, baby will be more mature enough and movement will be slightly decrease during 3rd trimester in comparison to 2nd trimester. It is due to less free space inside the womb. However, you feel movement at certain time. If baby moves more than 10 in 1 hr, then it is quite NORMAL. You have nothing to worry.
Hope, I have answered your query. Kindly, close the discussion.
All the best and good luck.
Dr S Patra