What Causes Low Blood Pressure After Taking Clarithromycin?
Clarithmoycin decreases the metabolism of Amlodipin
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using HCM,
I read your question and understand your concern.
Clarithmoycin has a significant interaction with Amlodipin by decreasing the metabolism of it, which makes Amlodipin stay more in blood, and so it has a much longer effect. This is most probably making your blood pressure lower, because basically means you are taking a much higher dose of amlodipin of what you need.
It is recommended that during the use of Clarithromycin to change the medicines from the same family as Amlodipin with other drugs that have no interaction.
I would say to lower the dose of Almodipin for the time you are using the antibiotic to 2.5mg. Ideal though would be to talk to your doctor and decide if he can change it to another for the time you are using clarithromycin.
Hope this is helpful.
Take care.