What Causes Lump Near Eyebrow?
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Detailed Answer:
Lump near the eyebrow cannot cause watering (tearing) from the eye. Perhaps the watering is related to an eye condition. Should it persist or worsen, I suggest you see an ophthalmologist.
Now this lump may be a blocked gland, hair follicle infection or skin infection. The first two looks more probable than localised infection. You may have a similar lesion happening at the nasal region. Sinus condition do not present this way, therefore the lump are in no way related to sinuses. You can be rest assured about that.
Generally conditions such as these don't trouble patients. But I would watch its progress. You need to bring it to the doctors notice if its grows larger into an abscess. Pain, increased redness, localised warmth and pus pointing are signs that its turning into an abscess. Until then, I will treat you with topical antiseptic cream. Keep the area clean to avoid secondary infection.
Hope this suffices. I await pictures of the affected region to comment further.