What Causes Numbness In Thumb Afte Getting A Shot Of Methamphetamine On Wrist?
hi it is possibly radial nerve damge
Detailed Answer:
Hii dear
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Amphatamine cause CNS stimulation and it is difficult to judge whether numbness caused by nnerve damage or not. Beacuse of its peasurable effect under the influence of it.
If you have this numbness persists for a long time mostly after it all effects wean off XXXXXXX need to go for medical help.
Do you have only numbness ??
Do you have difficulties in holding things with thumb and fore finger??
If yes than posibility of radial nerve damge is most likely.
So need to consult and I would prefer in my patient studu of nerve conduction test called EMG NCV.
After that we will reach to convulsion.
But it will reverse back automatically and gradually.
Physiotherapy can help.
avoid this site for injections.
Better to avoid amphatamine for better health.
Thank you