What Causes Pain And Redness With Puffiness Of The Lower Eyelid?
These symptoms indicate a proable hordeolum of the eyelid.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic
I am Dr. DADAPEER K, an Ophthalmologist and I will be answering your question.
I reviewed your history.
It seems from the history that you are having symptoms of pain and redness with puffiness of the lower eyelid.
These symptoms indicate inflammatory swelling of the glands of the eyelids like hordeolum.
This requires treatment by the use of antibiotic eye drops and oral anti-inflammatory drugs.
If possible do send me a photo of the affected eye so that I can confirm the diagnosis and advice you more accurately.
Hope I have answered your question and the information is helpful to you.
Do write back to me for further questions.
Thank you
The yellow spot indicates presence of pus and confim hordeolum.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
The presence of yellow spot on the inside of eyelid confirms the diagnosis of hordeolum. The yellow spot indicate presence of pus.
This requires treatment by the use of antibiotic eye drops and anti-inflammatory drugs.
I prefer to use antibiotic eye drops like Moxifloxacin eye drops.
Applying warm compression will provide symptomatic relief.
Hence I advice you to consult your doctor for examination and for prescription of drugs.
Hope I have answered your question and the information is helpful to you.
Do write back to me for further questions.
Thank you