Question: I gave birth to my first child in sept 2013. I had
pregnancy complications, uterine fibroids and pre enclampsia and had to be induced. After the delivery, I started to experience sharp pains on my lower right abdomen. Not sure if it was the fibroids, i underwent surgery and it was discovered to be an enflamed
appendix. the appendix was removed 3 weeks after my daughter was born (natural birth). Since then, i have experienced some slight soreness where the appendix was removed and sometimes, i felt i could not hold my bowels as long as i used to. to put it lightly, sometimes, when i have to go, i have to go whereas before it would not be an issue of urgency. i continued to experience intermittent soreness in the place i had the
appendectomy but it seemed to be getting a bit better every now and then. i took it easy the first two months by being careful not to do anything to strenuous. after that, i seemed to get better and even though i felt the soreness every now and then, it didn't prevent me from reaching upward, carrying my daughter etc. Well a week ago, the pain suddenly seemed to vanish and i thought it was over. But then it returned. this time, i can't really reach without discomfort or wincing. i am really scared and worried. what could be going on?