What Causes Pain Below Breast Bone Radiating To Back Post Delivery?
GERD . Need to continue omeprazole
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Your symptoms seem to be because of GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease). I would suggest to continue Prilosec (omeprazole) continuously for at least 8 weeks and take And antacid like Gelusil whenever the pain starts.
This should help control your symptoms . In case your symptoms persist after 8 weeks you would need further evaluation including an upper GI endosopy
Follow some lifestyle changes
Exercise regularly
Avoid Chocolate , mint, citrus fruits, red meat, alcohol, smoking
Limit tea / coffee consumption to 2 or less cups per day
Avoid carbonated drinks and caffeine containing Juices/ soft drinks
Avoid sleeping / lying down for atleat 3 hours after meals.
Hope his helps
Do get back in case you have further queries
Dr Samir Patil