What Causes Pain In Lower Back And On Right Side Of Hip?
Obesity - Hypothyroidism
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
After reading the history of your symptoms and the investigations which have been normal, I can think of the few problems which might have caused these symptoms you have.
-Obesity can cause exactly the same symptoms you have mentioned. May I please know your weight and height and the extent of the accumulation of fat.
-In some medical conditions like hypothyroidism,
accumulation of excessive fluids in the body due to hormonal changes that may occur at your age of 48, or some kidney or liver disorders ( rare although).
-Intra-abdominal problems- which have already been ruled out by ultrasonography of abdomen and pelvis ( as mentioned).
I would advise you the following:
Wait for the MRI reports and tell the Radiologist what exactly your problems are as then only it is possible to evaluate the abdomen, hip joints.
Blood reports - Thyroid function tests , kidney function tests ( if not yet done).
Reduce your salt intake.
Take activated charcoal and probiotics.
Increase fluid intake.
Increase salads in diet.
Walking, exercises.
Consult an Orthopedic Surgeon for evaluation of the pain in the hip joint and around, backache; and General Surgeon to have a physical/ clinical examination of the abdomen.
I hope this answer helps you to get a proper diagnosis and help reducing your problems.
Try to find the causes of bloating and treat them
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
It is good yo know hat your Kidney and Thyroid functions are normal.
So, this looks to be bloating / gases problem.
The commonest causes are:
-Aerophagia, meaning swallowing of air - anxiety may be a major cause.
-GI disturbance, imbalance of Gastrointestinal bacterial flora- helped nicely by Probiotic and activated charcoal tablets. Sometimes a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole helps.
-Certain foods and / beverages can cause bloating
-Other causes of bloating should be ruled out and treated if present.