What Causes Pain In Lower Groin Area During Defecation?
There are a lot of issues on this.
Detailed Answer:
Perhaps the most common cause of pain associated with gas/etc is IRRITABLE BOWEL syndrome. This is the best summary
the purple bars are clickable links to all the major sites connected with it.
It seems the key question is with the ROME CRITERION. and.. if the symptoms rapidly/immediately relieve with passing of gas/feces then it is very UNLIKELY to be the more serious conditions (or anything but bowel spasms/ irritable bowel).
There are many many causes of abdominal pain. Some of the signs that it is serious is if it is increasing in amoutn, duration, extent, frequency, etc. Also, fever with chills, if bouncing on one foot causes the pain to be worse or more widespread then the whole abdomen is involved. bad.
Making less likely of a concern but still a strong reason to get it checked out is if it hasn't changes in months to years. That implies it isn't going to become catastrrophic today, but on the other hand, it isn't going away etiher and something is wrong that needs to be found out.
Female reproductive tract issues can also be involved. fibroids also endometriosis. On the other hand, the pain of these tends to be more extensive.
There are limits on what I can say without an exam, but I can give some general information and principles.