What Causes Pain In The Lower Back Radiating To The Leg?
I have pian in my lower back hip down mythigh in my foot an my big to. The pain is excureati. The pain is worst I ever had I cant lay down without screaming or get in the get in or out of car.
Lumbar spondylitis / slipped disc
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting the question.
I have gone through your medical history in detail.
From the symptoms that you have stated,it seems that you have a pinched nerve in your back region.
This may be either due to a slipped disc or lumbar spondylitis.
Due to nerve compression,the neural signals do not pass down to the leg causing severe excruciating pain.
Taking medicines will provide only temporary relief.
Untill the nerve is released from the pressure and decompressed,the pain will not subside.
For this,i would suggest you to get an MRI of the lumbar spine first.
This will confirm the diagnosis.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, you can start on physiotherapy including lumbar traction,infrared,LASER therapy,short wave diathermy .
Use lumbosacral belt for back support.
Do not lift anything heavy.
Do not bend forward.
Severe resistant cases may need surgery for unrelieved pain.
Do let me know once the MRI reports are ready.
I hope the answer was useful.
Feel free to ask me any follow up queries that you may have.
Thank you.
Kind regards.