What Causes Pain On Right Side Of Abdomen Post Alcohol Intake?
Liver show mild fatty changes. A hypoechoic lesion measuring 8mm is noted in segment V of liver. No dilation of intrahepatic bilary radicles. Portal vein and intrahepatic vascular markings are normal.
Gall bladder is adequately distended. No wall thickening. CBD is not dilated.
Spleen measures 9.9cm, normal in size and echotexture. No focal lesion.
Pancreatic head and body are normal in size & echopattern.
Right Kidney measures 11 cm. Left Kidney measures 10.6cm. Both Kidneys are normal in size, cortical echogenicity and show maintained corticomedullary differentiation with normal parenchymal thickness. No calculi or hydronephrosis.
Urinary bladder is distended. Normal wall thickness. No intraluminal contents.
Prostate measures 3.5x3.3x2.7cm (volume 16cc).
No free fluid in abdomen.
Appendix is not visualised.
Please get upper GI endoscopy done now and repeat ultrasound in 3 months
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
Glad to be hearing from you again, hope you are doing well except for the problem listed above.
On the last occasion you were given certain medications and tests for typhoid were not conclusive. Hope you made a complete recovery from that illness.
Speaking about the current situation, the pain on the right side of abdomen after taking alcohol is most likely a result of gastritis. However, an ultrasound scan abdomen is always to be done and Dr XXXXXXX has done the right thing in asking for an ultrasound scan abdomen.
I regularly do ultrasound scans on my patients and wish to explain your report findings below
1. The liver shows mildly fatty changes. This means that the fat content of liver has increased. This can be due to increased fat intake, people who take alcohol regularly or due to genetic causes.
2. A hypoechoic lesion measuring 8mm is noted in segment V of liver. This describes the visualization of a small relatively dark area in the liver that measures 8 mm in diameter. The doctor has further written the possibility of an atypical hemangioma. A hemangioma is a benign tumor and due to extra blood vessels and this is given as a probability. At 8 mm it is too small to cause any problems and also the diagnosis is only probable and at present size cannot be said with complete certainty.
3. Rest of the organs like kidneys, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, urinary bladder, prostate and appendix are normal on the scan.
In conclusion, the fat content in your liver might be slightly higher. It will help to do liver function tests and serum lipid profile to know if the liver is functioning properly and the cholesterol levels in you are in normal range.
The probable hemangioma also needs to be reviewed by doing another ultrasound scan after 3 months. This will help you to know if it is growing in size and if other conditions need to be thought of and if CT scan abdomen is required to confirm a hemangioma.
As you had the pain right after alcohol consumption, right now the most important investigation will be doing a upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for you. It is done in Manipal hospital. This will tell if you have an ulcer in the stomach or any gastritis. Please avoid taking alcohol and spicy food for some time. You can take curds with meals to help avoid acidity.
Please discuss your report and problems in detail with Dr XXXXXXX and take medication as prescribed.
Wishing you a quick recovery.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.