Question: Current diagnostics: candida ALBICANS,
OSTEOPOROSIS, GAD, POSSIBLE LYME BAND KD 23, 39. WENT TO ER MAR. 2, 2014. ER DOC SAID I HAVE COSTCOCHONDRITIS. RESULTS FROM BLOOD LABS; MONOCYTES 12.2 H, RBC 4.99 H, Hgb 14.6 H, Hct 43.4, migraine, transient pain under rt. Ribcage, pain midback spinal column, unquenchable thirst, candida albicans, brain fog including forgetfullness, no anxiety. Also have
HYPOTHYROIDISM, taking 75mcg/
synthroid. Past infections incude e-coli, female urethral,
klebsiella pneumoniae after two teeth pulled, lower left back jaw, osteoporosis, spinal cd 5&7 compacted, r&l knees compacted, 30 year history
bulimia nervosa.