What Causes Persistent Painful Bruises On Abdomen?
possibly shingles rash
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
It is possible that the rash may be due to shingles.
This is the most likely cause of a painful rash.
Though there there is usually a history of blisters in the rash area, this is not always the case, in some cases, the skin may have painfully red and inflamed.
There is a vaccine that can prevent or at least reduce future episodes, it also reduces the risk of developing post herpetic neuragia which is nerve related pain that continues even after the rash has resolved.
Treatment for an acute episode normally involves the use of pain medication such as naproxen, ibuprofen or voltaren.
If these are not effective then stronger pain meds can be used but these would likely require a prescription
I hope this helps,feel free to ask any other questions
if present at the moment, can an image be attached
Detailed Answer:
You want to consider sending an image if the bruise is present at the moment or if it is not there right now, seeing your doctor when it does occur
Shingles was suggested because it causes a recurrent painful rash.
The rash may have a varied appearance such as bruising mentioned and it tends to occur in one specific area of the body all of the time.
The reason it occurs in one area, is because the virus relates to a particular set of nerves and affects the area that is involved with that particular nerve group.
Before the rash occurs, there can be pain/discomfort, this is very common, the rash/discoloration/bruising of the skin can also be painful as well.
It then resolves but can recur at another time.
In some persons, pain may continue even after the rash has gone, this is called post herpetic neuralgia.
Shingles is very very common and props up as persons get older, this the reason for the vaccine for persons over age 50.
The best thing, if you are not sure, would be for someone to take a look at the rash/discoloration/bruising of the skin when it occurs.
Please feel free to ask any other questsions