What Causes Persistent Weakness And Loss Of Libido Post Recovery From Typhoid?
Loss of libido
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
Typhoid fever treated promptly with antibiotic is unlikely to cause persistent asthenia or weakness for 1-1/2 years. Loss of libido is also not a sequel of typhoid fever.
Hepatitis B vaccine should be delayed in case of any active infection. However inadvertent use of Hepatitis B vaccine during the course of typhoid fever will not affect the clinical course of typhoid or produce any sequel like persistent weakness or loss of libido.
Hypoactive sexual desire or loss of libido may result from endocrine failure or may be associated with psychological or emotional disorders.
Lithium itself can cause or contribute to sexual dysfunction including loss of libido.
Medication switching like antidepressants with less impact on sexual function can be tried.
Alternatively dose reduction of lithium or drug holidays are other option.
Endocrine work-up like thyroid function test (Free T3, Free T4 & TSH), FSH, LH, serum testosterone, serum prolactin level, morning plasma cortisol levels can be done to exclude endocrine cause of loss of libido.
Please let me know if you have already undergone some of these tests,to exclude organic cause.
Stop smoking, or taking any alcoholic drink (in case you are smoker or have drinking habit).
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX
Loss of libido-investigations
Detailed Answer:
You need to undergo other endocrine tests to exclude hypogonadism, hyperprolactinaemia and adrenocortical insufficiency. Either of these can cause loss of libido.These tests will give some clue about treatable causes.
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D.
1. Serum cortisol: 22.61 ug/dl
Test done at 8:00 a.m.
Normal range: 6.2-19.4 ug/dl (7:00 - 10.00 am)
2. Testosterone: 383.42 ng/dl
Normal range: 241- 827
Loss of libido-investigations
Detailed Answer:
Your serum cortisol in the morning is normal as per other laboratory upper normal range is 25 ug/dl (Fasting, 8 a.m.–12 noon normal range 5–25 μg/dL) and essentially excludes adrenal insufficiency as cause of loss of libido.
Your testosterone level is also normal and hence abnormal adrenal androgen secretion is excluded as any contributory cause.
Rest of hormonal profiles ,if done later, can be intimated accordingly.So far no organic cause has been established.
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX