What Causes Postpartum Depression?
This could be due to post partum depression
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for asking from HCM
I can understand your concern. A lot of females after delivery or c-section develop mood swings, change in behaviour, depressive symptoms and even suicidal ideas. If the symptoms stated with in 6 months of c-section then most likely these are due to post partum depression.
A lot of females develop severe depression and pervasive sad mood because of that. You also have suicidal thoughts and this can't be ignored. I'd advise you to to talk with your family members and consult a Psychiatrist for evaluation.
Some SSRI drugs like Sertraline can be used in your case. This drug is safe to use even in lactating mothers and will help you to come out of depression. Try to improve your social interaction and think about your baby and future. This will help to calm you. Avoid remaining indoors and along for long.
Don't loose hope, post partum depression has good prognosis and most of females come out of depression with proper treatment.
Thanks and Take care