What Causes Pressure In Chest, Excessive Belching And Slight Nausea?
Better to see the doctor if symptoms do not settle with antacids and antisp
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for your query.
I understand your concern.
The pressure sensation is more likely to come from the esophagus rather than from the heart. It may be due to a esophageal spasm or from esophageal inflammation from acid regurgitation. Antacids and antispasmodics may be helpful. If these are not helpful and if there is any sweating or breathlessness, it would be better to go to the ER and have an EKG done to exclude the less likely cardiac pain.
If you have access, it would be good to get an upper GI endoscopy done and also check for a bacteria named H.Pylori.
The black sand like particle is likely to be crystals and it would be good to have your urine examined.
Best wishes,