What Causes Pulsing Sensation And Pain In The Left Side Of The Neck?
The neck pain will flare temporarily with some movements, especially turning my head to the right.
I am taking parnate 20 mgs so I'm always mindful of cardiovascular stressors etc. Also taking Lamictal, Triumeq (HIV) and a bunch of cold remedies prescribed by a doctor aware of my parnate Rx.
Diagnostic ultrasound is recommended
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir, I have gone through your question and I understand your concerns but the pulsing awelling can be due to a number of causes. Aneurysm of the carotid artery is the most severe cause and needs to be excluded first with an ultrasound examination. Hemangioma is another cause and also should be diagnosed with ultrasound .Another probable is transmitted pulse. This can occur if a structure like an infected lymph node remains over & attached to the artery. The pulse can be felt along with the lump especially if pus forms . a lymph node should be firm in consistency and usually increases in size after an infection as the flu you were experiencing . It may take time to regress even though infection is resolved. The other probables are lipoma, neuroma, fibroma etc. In most cases they are benign in nature, do not require any treatment. Pain can occur in inflammation of lymph node. I would suggest to take an ultrasound examination. MRAngio of carotid artery is taken in case that the ultrasound was not informative. I hope I answered your question. if you don't have any other clarifications then please close the discussion.