What Causes Severe Breathing Difficulty While Experiencing Shortness Of Breath And Anxiety?
I originally felt something wasn’t moving properly when I breathed in and out, ordered chest xray which came back clear. No wheezing or any symptom like that, just that i couldn’t breathe deeply any more. Problems have persisted, getting worse with worsening pantness, shortness of breath at all times and worsening feeling of suffocation especially when lying down. I’m breathing about 40 breaths every 30 secs now, constantly like this and am exhausted with it and scared at the increasing shallowness and choking feeling. Very bad feeling of choking all the time and gurgling noises in throat now, very shallow breaths n and out. Can still swallow but feels very odd and uncomfortable. Have also had a diaphragm test this was also clear. Have now such a shallow breath in and out and permanent choking feeling, wretching sometimes which is so difficult even as so little air. I! Now having to sit with my mouth open to breathe but if I open it wide start choking. My voice has changed too over past few months and struggling to talk without choking. Please don't say anxiety as doc has said this, have tried relaxation, meficatipn, everythíngg and still worsened. Can barely breathe in or out now and very frightened, as not been taken seriously at all. The doc says if I go to urgent care they will read chest xrays are clear and say I'm anxious. He seems unable to understand I'm anxious as this has worsened so much since the onset. I feel like something is semi paralysed in my throat is this possible? I feel it need urgent treatment and don't know how to proceed. I am 44 eight stone 6 points , one metre 68 and not taking any medication. Also to addmy symptoms started after four months of bed rest following following a leg accident. I have always felt that because I was immobile such a long time this weakened my muscles but my doc dismisses this. I can barely touch my throat now and feel I'm choking when I eat, when I breathe, the doctor says I'm focussing on it all the time but tandthe choking feeling is so frightening anduncomfortable becuasethe lack of breath I caninhale or exhale is so frightening, along with choking feeling. I feel I should have been referred andinveztigatedl long before this was allowed to happen. Please can you advise as to whether some kind of throat paralysis is possible and what can be doneif anything as I am going to book a private ent appointment for tomorrow as I'm fearingimay choke soon. This is not normal shortness of breath but some constriction which has worsened considerably over time. Please can you help in any way to advise me what canbe done if this is some kind of throat paralysis? I wouldnbe panicking so much if it weren't so serious and difficult to breathe. Thank you
Recommend to consult Pulmonologist for evaluation, further management.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Toddy
I evaluated your query very thoroughly.
You are absolutely right that the condition is not stress induced but it is the underlying pathology that gives you annoying anxiety. Possibilities are laryngeal pathology , bronchoalveolar disturbances , excess drying of respiratory mucosa or other central lesions leading to hyperventilation drives .
I strongly recommend you to consult expert Pulmonologist in order to get evaluated by Diagnostic Bronchoscopy , Indirect Laryngoscopy , CT or MRI as per his / her expertise decision. Would like to know about any cough , fever , appetite , sleep pattern , chest pain , perspiration, vertigo , headache ,BP fluctuations etc as details.
Hope this helps you.
Welcome for further assistance.
Real time ultrasound detects paralysis,weakness of diaphragm.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Toddy
* Real time Ultrasound with B & M mode imaging are highly precise in
diagnosing diaphragm abnormalities involving both paralysis as well as
weakness .
# Expert Radiologist evaluates both right & left domes through its respective
windows from liver & spleen .
# In Diaphragm paralysis - absence of excursion with quiet & deep breathing
absence of movement / paradoxical motion upon sniffing
# In Diaphragm weakness - less than normal amplitude of excursion on deep
breathing with or without paradoxical motion on sniffing
* While Sniff test is different form of Radiology evaluation which uses
continuous beam of fluoroscopy for diaphragm movements .
* So perfectly performed ultrasound does not require separate sniff test for
diaphragm movements.
* Barium swallow has no additional clues for your condition , it is for
swallowing disorders .
Thanks for using Healthcaremagic.com & giving me an opportunity to assist you.
Regards dear .