What Causes Severe Burning Sensation In Lower Legs While Treating Arthritis?
i have arthrites and i take several medications for that oxycoden, folic acid, ateroids and a couple of others
one of them is methotrxat, it seems to have gotten worse since i started this
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Cannot say in your particular case. and, since it is BOTH legs and BELOW the knee and likely extending into the feet, then this makes many things very unlikely. Blood clot would have swelling and very unlikley to be BOTH. One sure, both, not at all likely. ANd muscles, joints, bones are not in that distribution. A pinched nerve is not in that distribution.
Sick nerves often go from the feet on up and have a burning element. Anything that makes nerves sick can do this. Diabetes, thyroid disease, b12 deficiency, AND folate or thiamine deficiency. Which includes giving a FOLATE BLOCKER like methotrexate. This isn't common with methotrexate, and other other possibilities should be considered.
On a bright side, any nerve pill will rapidly have a large dampng of the pain. This includes any anti-epileptic, many anti-depressants, lidocaine, and, one of my patients informs me... tonic water.
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methotrexate is an antagonist to it. On the one hand it blocks folic acid and the effect of folic acid on making cells grow (such as the cells of the immune system) and to help nerves maintain their function is blocked by methotrexate. On the other hand folic acid blocks the action of methotrexate. so, do not take folic acid without telling the physician prescribing the methotrexate because the folic acid undoes the action of the methotrexate.