What Causes Severe Chest Pain While Having GERD?
I have gerd
Had two ekg last year they were normal
Central chest pain hurts in back also
Left arm to i havd anxietey simetimes to
Its not crushing are tightness
But it hurts
I think its my heart
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
Your symptoms are not typical of a hear disorder (including myocardial ischemia).
Besides at your age, a cardiac disorder would be less probable.
Gastro-esophageal reflux or musculo-skeletal pain could be the cause of your pain.
Is the pain triggered by deep breathing or body movements? This would go in favor of musculo-skeletal pain. In such case ibuprofen would help relive the pain. I recommend trying it. If your symptoms are relieved by ibuprofen, there is nothing to worry about!
What about antiacids or PPI (omprazole, pantoprazole, etc.)? Have you tried if they relieve the pain? This would indicate gastro-esophageal reflux underlying your troubles.
But, if the pain persists, despite the above tips, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a careful physical exam and some tests:
- a resting ECG
- a chest X ray study
- complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation
- blood electrolytes including potassium and calcium.
If all the above tests result normal, you should consider anxiety as the main cause of your complaints.
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
Kind regards,
Dr. Iliri