What Causes Severe Cramps And White Tissue Discharge During Periods?
Detailed Answer:
Good day,
Noted your case history.
I would like to know about your menstural history? Is it regular?
Have you ever had poly cystic ovary syndrome? Any history of fungal infection ?
Do you use tampons ?
Do you get similar cramps during all periods?
Did you ever have a scan of uterus and what was the endometria thickness in that ?
Any history of vaginal discharge ?
These details are important to assess further.
The white tissue could be a piece of endometrium ( lining of uterus which builds up before periods). It could be due to infection especially fungal infection. If you use tampons, it could be part of tampons as well.
I would appreciate a reply with answers to above questions.
Detailed Answer:
okay, if your periods have been irregular, there is a chance of endometrial buid up cusing endometrial hyperplasia. When you have periods, this can shed and will look like peices of tissue. In your case, this could be the most likely cause. You need a pelvic ultrasound and possibly an endocmtrial biopsy ( if there is endometrila hyperplasia).
Please meet your GP and arrange for a pelvic ultraosund. It is also important to do a clinical examination.
Detailed Answer:
You will need a pelvic examination ad pelvic ultrasound. If the pelvic ultrasound shows endometrial hyperplasia ( increased endometrial thickness), then you would need a endometrial biopsy to rule out endometrial cancer or precancerous changes. Please do not worry. Your gynecologist will decide on the necessity of same after examination and ultrasound.
Endometrial biospy may be done under light anesthesia. The pain is generally mild, but it is subjective.( some people feel less but soome other people will feel more).