What Causes Severe Stomach Pain And Chest Pain While Breathing?
Give me further details
Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend.
Welcome to Healthcaremagic.
Hi , I am Dr Anshul Varshney , I have read your query in detail , I understand your concern.
At age of 30 years this blood pressure is considered normal.
Moreover, this much blood pressure can not cause stomach and chest pain while breathing.
Give me following details:
1. Since when is she having this?
2. Any Cough , Cold?
3. Any gastritis?
4. Any pain in right side of abdomen?
5. Does abdomen pain increases on deep inspiration (when she breathes in)?
6. Any loose stools?
7. Pain is constant or intermittent?
8. Any sweating, palpitations?
I am concerned with Gall bladder issues, Acute Cholecystitis can cause pain in abdomen during inspiration?
This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you still have any other query, you may please ask me and answer these questions preferably in point wise manner.
Stay Healthy.
Dr Anshul Varshney , MD
Detail follows
Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend.
Many a times these transient pain arise of Gaseous distension of abdomen.
However if the pain reoccurrs get her an Ultrasound of Abdomen.
You may give her a tablet of Pantoprazole 40 mg stat.
If you have any further query please ask me else you may close the discussion and rate it.
Stay healthy.