What Causes Sharp Chest Pain In A Child?
Pulled muscle, costochondritis, cardiac causes are less likely
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
Intermittent brief episodes of chest pain with normal daily activities is less likely due to pulled muscle, costochondritis or cardiac cause.
In pulled muscle and costochondritis child may not be able to perform her daily activities. In costochondritis there is also pain while pressing the affected area.
In cardiac causes usually there is associated breathing difficulty, abnormal feeling of heart beat, sweating and restlessness.
So all these causes are very less likely.
Anxiety may be a reason for chest pain. But unless it persists longer or hampering daily activities no specific treatment is needed.
Sometimes even after proper evaluation no underlying problem can be detected and symptom improves on its own over a period of time.
I won't get worried for this chest pain as the child is active, feeding well and there is no associated significant problem.
Just watch for next 2-3 days and if symptom worsens or persists longer consult a physician for clinical evaluation.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more query.
Wishing for your child's good health.
I don't think this pain is related to haematoma
Detailed Answer:
I don't think that this pain is related to haematoma
because of site which is different and also because hematoma pain usually does not persist so longer.
The only thing I am concerned about is that you have mentioned that there is tenderness. This tenderness can be there due to muscle pull/sprain.
Again costochondritis is unlikely becomes that usually causes persistent pain and also there should be swelling in that particular area.
I rule out anxiety which I was thinking earlier because of presence of tenderness.
Here I would suggest you to watch for next three to four days as this pain is not disturbing daily activities and if symptom worsens or persists longer please consult a physician for proper evaluation.
I shall be glad to help you furtger if you need any.