What Causes Sharp Pain And Tingling In Left Little Finger Upon Exertion?
i tried to open a cabinet in the kitchen which is slightly lower than head-level, my hands were full as i was making a snack for my wife, so i casually used my left hand's pinky to try and open the cabinet to get a glass to pour some milk
as i tried to open the cabinet in this matter, i suddenly had severe sharp shooting pain in the palm of my left hand under my pinky
i immediately let go of the cabinet obviously, and felt discomfort and tingling sensations up near my shoulder/tricep area as well - it was sudden so i was a bit disoriented and scared
i eventually calmed down and immediately iced it
since then i have rested the arm, put ice, done warm ebsom salt soaks, hot towels, and 800 mg ibuprofen in the last few days to try and get on the mend
also i saw an ortho specialist the day after it happened and he did a full neuro weakness/sensation test and said i am ok and to just rest it as i probably inflammed the nerve and to be careful
my hand has felt swollen, discomfort, unusual sensations, numbness, some pain, etc. since then up to and including today (friday sep 11), also my other fingers of my left hand sometimes feel swollen and puffy - also my shoulder/tricep area still feels like it's been being birthday punched
is it possible i sprained/strained/tore a ligament in the pinky / palm area as that where the pain initially was? or even the muscle? and why does it feel like it goes all the way up to my shoulder/tricep area?
FYI for my left hand, i am able to touch my thumb to my pinky, although pretty easily not quite as easily as my right hand can do the same thing
do i just rest it and take meds and do the same thing to promote healing? or should i go get an mri?
looking for advice... i am a bit concerned as i am a musician and play guitar with my left hand, which is where this happened
also my left hand feels a bit tight overall, and on top of my hand it feels tight and swollen too...
You should be examined further.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for using HCM.
I have read your question and understand your concerns.
Symptoms you describe are more nerves-related than soft tissue ( tendons, muscles, ligaments )- related.
Since your discomfort includes the shoulder and arm to, besides fingers, most probable cause of your symptoms is pinched nerve (s) at their exit from spinal cord, or inside spine.
I agree with you about having a MRI of the neck done, not just to take drugs and wait.
In addition, I recommend you to discuss with your primary care Doctor about having done nerve conduction study (EMG, ENMG) of your arms as well, besides neck MRI, in order to have a full check up and a correct diagnosis of your condition.
Nerve conduction study will show eventually if there is any nerve entrapment outside the spinal cord and will show also the suffering nerve)s) too.
Treatment depends on diagnosis, and in first stages consists on NSAID drugs, or antineuralgic drugs, physical therapy.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
I remain at your disposal for further questions and clarifications.
Take care.
it is surprising that all this is possible from a simple action like a finger trying to open a cabinet by holding the knob of the cabinet door
is there a chance of permanent damage? seems drastic to consider that...
so do i need mri of neck only? or also hand/wrist/arm/shoulder/tricep/bicep area mris too?
for the nerve conduction study - how does that work? is it invasive?
MRI of the neck, and is not invasive.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
It is more probable that the action you did with your finger triggered the pain in a previously moderately compressed nerve by overstretching it, than damaged the nerve directly.
Since your symptoms continued, further evaluation is needed.
MRI is a noninvasive imaging tool with no harm to the health.
Only neck ( cervical ) MRI is needed.
Nerve conduction study uses electrodes, or needles on your skin causing only minor discomfort.
Hope I helped you. Take care.