What Causes Shingles?
This is not chicken pox,may be shingles or dermatitis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
The way you have described the lesion, it appears to be vesicular eruption. In this type of rash first there is redness followed by swelling.The swelling is gradually enlarged with fluid inside and ruptures in 3-4 days. Subsequently lesion heals and may be associated with itching at that time.
The common causes of vesicular eruptions are shingles (caused by herpes zoster a virus),chicken pox,papulovesicular eczema(contact/allergic),impetigo(bacterial infection).There can be other uncommon causes.
Chicken pox usually starts from trunk and within three to four days whole body get involved.
The localized eruption is most likely due to eczema or shingles.
Eczema usually accompanied with itching.As the lesion are not itchy it appears to be shingles(this is usually associated with pain).
It is very difficult to diagnose skin disease without direct examination.
Please send me a pic of the lesion if it is there so that I better help you out.
The management of shingles is local application of calamine lotion(soothening agent) with acyclovir ointment and may be oral acyclovir.
In few cases it subsides even without any treatment.
I would suggest you to get her evaluated by a pediatrician for direct clinical evaluation and the management accordingly.
I would be glad to answer if you have any further query.
Wish your child good health