What Causes Small Black Slimely Blobs In Stool?
What could be thes slimel block stool stuff I havehad tape worms and fluks in y stool and still do stool checks come up negative
Changed Physiology of bowel.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of ileostomy and small black slimy blobs.
I would advise you to send these blobs for tests. The Laboratory would definitely tell whether it is a part of the worm or a desquamated mucosal lining or what. You can check this out at different laboratories for the sake of finding , what it is.
The possible reason can be desquamated mucosal lining. This occurs due to changes in the normal Physiology.
Another possibility is: As the bowel movement pattern changes, it is possible that some undigested food particles get a mucus coating and appear as what you see.
The physiology of digestion is changed with the ileostomy. Does it occur after taking certain foods?